The InteMind Method: Our Approach To Holistic Well-Being

Unlocking the World of Holistic Counselling & Coaching

So, what is Holistic Counselling & Coaching? In essence, it’s a form of counselling that delves into the entirety of an individual: their physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects. The aim? To guide clients towards profound well-being on all these levels. Holistic Counselling draws inspiration from various therapeutic approaches like psychotherapy, breathwork, mindfulness, and energy psychology, but each session is tailored to the unique needs of the client. Since Holistic Counselling encompasses a wide spectrum, you’ll find diverse styles and approaches within this profession. Hence, it’s crucial to align with a school that resonates with your style, beliefs, and values.

The InteMind Approach: Transformative Holistic Counselling & Coaching

The InteMind Method (taught at InterMind International) uses an integrated approach to Holistic Counselling & Coaching by combining three elements. Let’s take a closer look:

1. The Science of Well-being & Human Flourishing

Incorporating the science of human flourishing is the first pillar of our Holistic Counselling approach. In combination with holistic wisdom and transformational techniques, we offer our clients a powerful means of transformation. This approach represents an exciting development in our field, as it shifts the focus from problems to solutions. Science now supports what ancient wisdom has long advocated: well-being isn’t just a destination; it’s the journey itself. By incorporating the latest findings in positive psychology, we equip our practitioners with the tools to create a new language around cultivating compassion, harnessing strengths, practicing forgiveness, and finding meaning in life. This scientific foundation demystifies well-being for potential clients, inviting them to experience the help they seek while working with our practitioners.

2. The Wisdom of Holism

The second element of our triad connects ancient wisdom and holism to our approach. At ASHC, we achieve this through the Four Levels of Transformation, where each level presents an opportunity for profound change. The most significant transformation typically occurs when clients reach level four. This journey involves:

  • Level One – Story: Creating space for the client’s story, emotions, dreams, and visions.
  • Level Two – Identity: Reflecting on life experiences, belief systems, and patterns of behaviour.
  • Level Three – Inner Knowing: Connecting with the inner observer and intuition.
  • Level Four – Deep Knowing: Experiencing a profound connection to something greater than oneself.

By mastering work on all four levels, real change is observed in our clients’ lives.

3. Transformational Techniques & Interventions

The third part of our approach revolves around transformational techniques and interventions. We empower our practitioners to use various tools and strategies within a person-centered approach. Instead of pre-planning interventions, we encourage practitioners to respond to the client’s unique needs in the moment. This creative approach ensures practitioners stay present and centred during sessions, fostering deep transformation.

Founder’s Vision: Madelaine Vallin

This transformative approach has been birthed by our founder, Madelaine Vallin, who is also the owner of The Australian School of Holistic Counselling (ASHC). Her vision and dedication to holistic well-being have shaped the foundation of our institution, where we strive to provide the highest standards of Holistic Counselling and Coaching education.

Who Seeks Help from a Holistic Counsellor & Coach?

People turn to Holistic Counsellors and Coaches for various reasons, including managing anxiety, depression, existential crises, and stress. As a qualified Holistic Counsellor, your work extends to one-on-one and group settings. Individuals may also benefit from your expertise if they wish to explore themselves, enhance well-being, or dive into their spirituality.

In Conclusion: The InteMind Difference

Effective Holistic Counselling is a blend of art and science. Through your studies at InteMind International, you will explore the foundations of transformation, including deep listening, holding space, and asking powerful questions. It’s about being present, non-judgmental, and unattached to outcomes. While it’s not your responsibility to ensure your client’s transformation, it is your role to create an environment for change and encourage your clients to reach their highest potential.

That’s the InteMind difference.

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